Sounds Like a Book: (S)pace
The Sounds Like a Book (S)pace exhibition presents the artistic projects developed by 8 artists during the 6th edition of the Sounds Like a Book residency program in Șona Village, Brașov County, Romania. This program fosters a short-term, intensive sensory approach to artmaking, merging the creation of artist books with sound experiences to generate multi-modal encounters. Drop by on the 14th of November, between 6 and 9 p.m. at Galeria Posibilă, Atelierele Scânteia, Casa Presei Libere, to celebrate the opening of the exhibition with works by Laure Catugier (FR/DE), Lena Ciobanu (RO), Georgiana Cojocaru (RO), Janine Jop (MX), Lucian Barbu (RO), Irina Motroc (RO), Ruxandra Nițescu (RO), Lisa Marie Schmitt (DE).
Introducing the theme
This year’s edition calls for various corporeal angles and rhythms to research the network body-space-sound as it unfolds in the process of listening. Sliding through various species of spaces, textures and bodily postures, the material conditions and the ways we inhabit a space reveal themselves as factors shaping our sonic perception and experience of space. The sonic content carries information and clues about the place one enters, exits or lingers in. What kind of data flows through the spaces of Șona, and what do we find out about the village when we explore it through sound? What information do the locals’ stories contain about the spaces of Șona and what images do they build about the present and the near future of the village? Employing the sound walk and deep listening to approach the space in a slowed down rhythm leads to a widening of the sensorial field and the perceptive limits while approaching a rural area that hosts this yearly event.
The residency program consists of 3 workshops: 1 thematic introductory workshop in 2 chapters, 1 sound art workshop, 1 self-publishing workshop. Alongside these main 3 activities, the residency will host 1 lecture about experiments in self-publishing and contemporary art and as well, spontaneous sonic improvisation sessions.
The introductory workshop in 2 parts will focus on exploring in performative and alternative ways the sonic and architectural scapes of the village. Stardust Architects and the sound artists Andreea Vlăduț and Cyrill Lim will conceive and hold the activities.
The Sound Art Workshop, coordinated by Lukas Jakob Löcker, will introduce key sound art concepts and tools useful in the research and working process. During the Self-Publishing Design Workshop, held by the Graphomat design studio, the artists in residency will develop the visual aspect for the sound material, employing suitable concepts and tools in the fields of self-publishing.
Alongside the workshops, the residency will host a lecture on experimental self-publishing and contemporary art held by Mia Ćuk, part of Footnote Belgrade, an independent studio located in Belgrade, Serbia.
Graphomat is an interdisciplinary design studio based in Bucharest, created by Andreea Popescu, Mihai Popescu and Andra Pavel.
Lukas Jakob Löcker multimedia artist, is currently conducting his artistic research on sound system culture and musique concrète & acousmatique.
Andreea Vlăduț multimedia artist, graduated from Time-based Media – Kunstuniversität Linz, where she specialized in electronic music, audio-video installations, and performance art.
Cyrill Lim is an artist and composer active in Zug (Switzerland) and Berlin (Germany). His artistic projects lie at the intersection of music, art, theater and research.
Stardust Architects
Anca Nechita-Cioarec and Brîndușa Tudor co-founded Stardust Architects together in 2011. Their interests focus on questioning the current forms of architectural education, practice and dissemination, formulating and testing alternative ways.
Footnote Belgrade – center for image and text – is an independent studio located in Belgrade, Serbia, concerned with generating a space for experiment, research and production in the field of visual art and publishing.
Please Note
- The residency covers accommodation and 3 meals per day. The artists will be offered 3.290 RON NET (local artists), 3.948 RON NET (international artists) for travel and artistic production expenses.
- The artists should participate for the whole duration of the residency.
- The artists in residency will receive support in their work process during the workshops on sound art and graphic design.
- Sound equipment, printing equipment and various tools for recordings, try-outs and mock-ups are provided by the residency.
- The residents will produce the individual / collaborative self-published project proposals (working on the concept & DIY publication, experimenting with the materials provided by the residency). They will be assisted by the Graphomat team and will have at their disposal all the necessary equipment and materials to work with. Post residency each artist is responsible for printing the experimental DIY publication.
- For the self-published DIY publication to circulate within exhibitions, book-art fairs, book swaps, etc. we recommend a print of 15 copies. We require 5 copies from each participant for the Sounds Like a Book archive.
- The works produced during the residency will be presented in a group show at Galeria Posibilă in Bucharest, Romania in autumn.
Applications from Romanian and international creative workers at an early stage of their career as well as final-year students will be considered. There is no age limit or geographical criteria. Candidates must be fluent in English.
It is recommended to have experience in Desktop publishing software, but it is not mandatory. Previous knowledge of working with sound or printing experience is not required.
Application details
Open Call: 01 – 26.04.2024
Deadline: 26.04.2024, 23:59 CTM
Results: end of May
To apply please fill in the online application here:
registration closed
For any questions, please write to:
Sounds Like a Book Friends
The residency project is co-financed by AFCN.
The programme does not necessarily represent the position of The Administration of the National Cultural Fund. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the application or the way the program results can be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the funding.
With the support of our Sounds Like a Book Friends: Fundația Ștefan Câlția, Galeria Posibilă, Graphomat, Time Based Media – Kunstuniversität Linz, Freier Rundfunk Oberösterreich GmbH – Radio FrO, Backlab Collective, Forumul Cultural Austriac, Radio România Cultural, Revista Arta, Sit+Read, res radio, THE INSTITUTE